After this break, I started riding again. I did just relatively light training rides, for a couple of weeks. And then, two weekends ago, I went mountain biking and managed to have a rather nasty incident. At the top of a tricky rocky climb, I lost control and ended up rolling 18m down the side of the hill, after going headfirst into a rock. Luckily a conveniently placed prickle bush was there to stop my fall.
My helmet worked beautifully (see above), but my back and neck have been quite sore. I also had to have 5 stitches just under my nose. Thankfully, I am on the mend! On Monday I rode around the block, and yesterday and today I've commuted to uni via bike, which has been nice. I know that the more I ride and stay active, the better everything will feel, as long as I don't push it too far. I'm hoping to do some easy 'proper' riding this weekend. Also, in the midst of all that I managed to get a cold, but I'm over that too!
After all of that.... I have no idea what my fitness is like!! Probably pretty crap. I'm going to ride some more for a couple of weeks and then do a MAP test to see where I am at.
I am not sure how my road racing season will pan out now. We'll see.